- draw a blank
- вытянуть пустой билет, потерпеть неудачу, вынуть пустой билет, вернуться ни с чем
* * *вынуть пустой билет; перен. потерпеть неудачу
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
draw a blank — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To obtain nothing in return for an effort made or to get a negative result. * /I looked up all the Joneses in the telephone book but I drew a blank every time I asked for Archibald Jones./ 2. To fail to remember something … Dictionary of American idioms
draw a blank — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To obtain nothing in return for an effort made or to get a negative result. * /I looked up all the Joneses in the telephone book but I drew a blank every time I asked for Archibald Jones./ 2. To fail to remember something … Dictionary of American idioms
draw a blank — If you try to find something out and draw a blank, you don t get any useful information … The small dictionary of idiomes
draw a blank — ► draw a blank fail to obtain a favourable response. Main Entry: ↑blank … English terms dictionary
draw a blank — verb be unable to remember I m drawing a blank You are blocking the name of your first wife! • Syn: ↑forget, ↑block, ↑blank out • Ant: ↑remember (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
draw a blank — If you try to find something out and draw a blank, you don t get any useful information. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If you look for or try to remember something, and draw a blank, you fail to find it. I nearly won the quiz;… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
draw\ a\ blank — v. phr. informal 1. To obtain nothing in return for an effort made or to get a negative result. I looked up all the Joneses in the telephone book but I drew a blank every time I asked for Archibald Jones. 2. To fail to remember something. I am… … Словарь американских идиом
draw a blank — idi a) to be unsuccessful: to draw a blank in an investigation[/ex] b) to fail to comprehend or remember: I drew a blank on her name[/ex] … From formal English to slang
Draw a blank — If you try to find something out and draw a blank, you don t get any useful information … Dictionary of English idioms
draw a blank — be unable to think of an answer, mind go blank For some reason, I drew a blank when the professor questioned me … English idioms
draw a blank — 1. to be unable to get information. Hoover asked the investigators to find out about Byrne, but they drew a blank. 2. to forget something. When Phil asked Lee which airline they were flying on, Lee drew a blank … New idioms dictionary